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Old 14-07-2021, 17:48
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Default Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Hi all,
Back a month or so, the site went off the air for a day or so. This was because it costs money to keep it online. Not a whole lot of money, but one has to wonder if Newyou has passed its Use By date. Asy stepped up and brought it back online - we plan to revisit the subject again at year end..... "To keep or not to keep - that is the question" !!

Though I love the joint, I can't see a lot of sense in having Asy continue to fund it if there are so few around. So let's hear from you....

I see member names popping in for a look, then they go away again without posting. Are you getting SOMETHING from the site on these visits (looking up info and such)? I hope so. If you are looking to converse with friends, let's hear from you too, and your friends. With such light activity as we have had this year, keeping it online becomes WAY less of a priority.

So, over to you all - does Newyou go the way of the dodo? It served its purpose ten-plus years ago, and for some years after that, but is it doing it today? I'm not sure it is.....

Your call, alumni - do we stay, or go?

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 15-07-2021, 11:03
SWANS05 Female SWANS05 is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Please stay! I personally still get so much from this site even if it is just browsing. I started by Cohen journey in 2010 and this site has been amazing for all those years.
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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 22-07-2021, 13:49
trasee Female trasee is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

I also find the site really useful for looking up information. I am waiting on my new Cohen's plan to arrive (second time round, first time was 2011) I am planning on starting a diary once it arrives and I get my new membership number....
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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 13-08-2021, 11:51
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Hi Trasee,
Good luck with the journey. I hope it is going well for you. When you get your Plan, just go ahead and start a diary in the New Diaries area. Let us know how things are going eh?
Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 26-09-2021, 01:26
starry Female starry is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

The Cohen office in my country has closed. This is the only site I come back once a while to read and find inspiration and info. Would love it to continue on. ❤️ Though I don’t post much, I love reading the stories and recipes
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Old 26-09-2021, 14:05
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Thanks Starry,

Appreciate the feedback,
Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 28-09-2021, 08:35
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

For new folk joining, and/or for those wanting to find "the best topics" according to our members, here is a neat trick.

First, select a forum you wish to fossick in (e.g. "Discussion on Cohens Lifestyle Program"), then click the word "Rating" just below the dark blue bar and all the starred posts will pop right up to the top. To return to normal, click "Last Post" (right next to Rating) and the sequence of the forum goes back to Normal i.e. the topic with the latest post in it comes up to the top again.

That's one way to get to the really good stuff quickly. If you FIND a topic (or thread) that you think SHOULD have some stars, look on that dark blue top bar for the words "Rate Thread" and a dropdown list will allow you to add from 1 to 5 stars.

PLEASE NOTE - it takes more than one vote to give a topic its stars, so don't be discouraged if YOUR vote didn't give it the stars - others would need to agree with you before it is promoted. Or, your vote might be the final one that clinches the deal and the topic (thread) then has its stars - it happens, just don't depend on it happening.

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!

Last edited by Kohinoor; 28-09-2021 at 08:40.
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Old 30-09-2021, 09:33
FFlyer Female FFlyer is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

It is for me! thank you. Just thinking of signing up for my 3rd go round, but I think its been over 10 years since my last attempt, or thereabouts. Glad to still find the forum here.

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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 13-10-2021, 10:42
Ms. Jiggles Female Ms. Jiggles is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Also me too!!!! I just returned after a very long time and it is comforting to see it is still here for those that are curious about restarting their old plans or sending along newbies that want to take a look!
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Old 13-10-2021, 11:21
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Hi there MS Jiggles,
Yeah, still one or two "old faces" still around, but a lot of echoes in here too when you yell !!

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 31-10-2024, 14:52
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Wow - well it has been ages !! Just today I found what has eluded me since Jan of 2023. I've now got access once more, and I suspect a bunch of you have too.

Please do leave a note on this topic to let me/us know someone is still viewing Newyou. Thanks,
Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 06-01-2025, 17:13
Butterfly94 Unspecified Butterfly94 is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Originally Posted by Kohinoor View Post
Wow - well it has been ages !! Just today I found what has eluded me since Jan of 2023. I've now got access once more, and I suspect a bunch of you have too.

Please do leave a note on this topic to let me/us know someone is still viewing Newyou. Thanks,
Hi Koh! How?ve you been? I?m back to the forum after 10 years, reading all of the discussions here. It?s been extremely helpful.

I?m wondering if we should shift to a newer platform like Telegram? It would be great to have access to all of the wisdom here, while also being able to converse with new coheniites. What do you think?
If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done.

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Old 08-01-2025, 08:54
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Hi Butterfly,
Hey, cool that others are now able to see this site again. Thanks for logging in and posting so I can see "all is not lost" after all.

I suspect a software upgrade (or some other unknown event) caused all viewing permissions to be negated - I finally figured it out just a few months ago and re-activated them).

I know nothing about Telegram, so can't comment on that. Also, I don't have the smarts to know how to migrate anything to anywhere. But never mind - let your mates know we are back, and you can all converse on here again.....

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 08-01-2025, 18:54
Butterfly94 Unspecified Butterfly94 is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

Oh all is not lost at all! It?s so good to hear from you. I am starting on the program again and all the information here is extremely useful. I also see there are people lurking around visiting this forum (albeit not posting) so I suppose they?re also benefitting! It would be lovely to get this forum going again.
If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done.

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Old 20-01-2025, 19:37
Donzie Female Donzie is offline
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Default Re: Is Newyou still useful today? Or do we shut down?

It?s back! What a wonderful new year surprise.

Hello Koh!!!

Wonderful to see your still here. I did read your scam post and glad your son was around to help. How have you been? I?m hoping well.

Life is pretty good here. Could use a little ?Cohen?s time? but generally am in a good place with everything. Just need a little reset after the silly season.

Can?t tell you how good it is to see this site back. I thought it was gone forever.

Happy New Year!!!
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newyou , shut , today

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