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Old 15-07-2008, 06:30
losing Female losing is offline
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Thanks AJ and Koh

You guys make such a difference in the lives of everyone on here,.

AJ I am loving the new photo of you - you are beaming.
I will put some photos on very soon.

And Koh I have to agree - you are Just a big happy hushpuppy .



Weight 55kg - Previously 80kg in 2006
Corrective Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift on 29/5/2008.
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Old 23-02-2009, 18:54
katielou Female katielou is offline
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Default Hi there. Are you happy with your tummy tuck?

Hi, I have read with much interest your journey and was wondering how you were going after your tummy tuck. I have drempt of doing this and could not find much on how you were goig after your surgery.

If you are ok with it would you be able to let me know?


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Old 24-02-2009, 00:19
princess_sunbeam Female princess_sunbeam is offline
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I am interested too!
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Old 25-02-2009, 14:38
Lissy Female Lissy is offline
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Good luck with your tummy tuck! You will never look back!

I had one done about 18 months ago. I had literally two handfuls of excess skin in my tummy from my three pregnancies. I also had a muscle tear or separation down the front of my abdominals which was repaired. It was the best thing that I have ever done for myself. My self confidence went through the roof, and I am much more conscious of my weight and physical abilities now as well. The most extra weight I have ever carried is just over 10kgs, and prior to the op, my tummy always looked worse the thinner and fitter I was as there was no fat underneath all of that skin to fill it out.

Sure it hurt, but 4 days lying in hospital, up to my eyeballs on great drugs and watching Foxtel was unreal!! I felt revitalized. It took my about 3-4 weeks before I could drive, but the hardest thing I found was cutting veggies at the bench in the kitchen! You use your tummy muscles for things for never thought of before.

The whole area was numb and funny feeling for 12 months, and every now and then it feels a bit funny. I think it is the nerves healing.

I have attached before and after photos for you to have a look at. I am carrying an extra 4kgs at the moment, so it doest look as fabulous as it should!

Good luck! You deserve this!

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Old 25-02-2009, 22:17
katielou Female katielou is offline
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Dear Larissa,

you look fab!!!!!!! How wonderful it must feel to have a lovely flat tummy. If you dont mind me asking, how much weight did you put on over your pregnancies? I too have 3 children (4.5yrs, nearly 3.5yrs and nearly 1.5yrs old) I had them all very close together and am finally starting to feel some control over my body. I went up to about 94 kg with each pregnancy (although I swore I never would get up to that weight again with each pregnancy!lol) I started Cohens on the 9th Feb and am down from 77.3 to about 72ish I think (first month weigh in is in 2 weeks time). Also how does your tummy feel after having put on the 4kg? Does it feel really tight or uncomfortable?


kate xx ps i think your before photo is quite ok ... not as bad as my tum!lol
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Old 20-03-2009, 16:09
nicole Female nicole is offline
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Default Losing the belly

Hi Losing

I have been ready your posts and I was wondering how the tummy tuck went? Was it very painful? Were you out of action for the whole 4 weeks?

I am only 24 years old but having done cohen's once I noticed that I too had a loose tummy when finishing the program so I was thinking about getting the tummy tuck done as well once I finish the program for the second time.

Hope your around


Last edited by nicole; 20-03-2009 at 16:11. Reason: didnt finish ready the blogg
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Old 20-03-2009, 18:45
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Kohinoor Male Kohinoor is offline
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Hi, all you interested ladies,

I just checked (you can too) and Losing hasn't visited since Oct 08.

To find out, just click on her name, and select "Public Profile" from the dropdown list. You can do that for anyone on here - let's you know if they are "still around"....

Will Losing be back? Well, maybe.... I don't know. But I DO know that others have done this (and they are "on here"). I'm not about to "out" them, as this is something they either WANT to share, or don't. So, it's not my call...

Of course, one of you could start a thread ASKING after those who have done it..... If people choose to reply, that's then up to them.....

Lissy (Larissa) has put up a pretty good-looking idea of "how things go" - is Lissy still around? Could be.... Use the "Public Profile" as mentioned above

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!

Last edited by Kohinoor; 20-03-2009 at 18:48.
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Old 24-03-2009, 15:52
nicole Female nicole is offline
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Talking Loosing the tummy

Hey Koh

Thanks for the help! I am new here so I appreciate the direction


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Old 02-01-2012, 16:01
losing Female losing is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Hey Koh....
Unfortunately I am back...I have been trying to go back on programme for nearly a year now as I travelled through europe (or I should say ATE my way through Europe) and I think my fat factory has kicked into overdrive. I am only 6 kgs below what I started at (72kgs) and am devastated that all my hard work and surgery is going to waste. I am finding that the first time I was on the diet I was thrilled with the success and had no trouble with no deviations. This time it feels as though I am punishing myself and this is hard to come to terms with. I also think that because my bust and tummy still look good it is too easy to focus on that and forget that my hips and bum are not looking so good.
Some of you from 2006 2007 may remember me and if you do, or if you don't, I am asking for you to help me stay on plan and know that you will offer me support.

So Day 2 down and staying on plan...
Happy new year



Weight 55kg - Previously 80kg in 2006
Corrective Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift on 29/5/2008.
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Old 03-01-2012, 02:55
carrieanne_c Female carrieanne_c is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

I don't know you! I am from the class of 2009, and summer school 2011. but hi welcome back! glad to have you here! are you going to start a new diary? I had several false restarts but then one time it just clicked after wearing my clothes to tight for like a year and a half! It will be interesting to watch your journey! There are several maintainer returnees in maintenance who have maintained back down into goal or who have redone their plan. some gals have done a combo, some have maintained well and just pop in to be accountable. No time like the present to get back on the bus!
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Old 03-01-2012, 05:53
losing Female losing is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Hi Carrieanne

Thanks for the welcome...I think I am going to keep posting in my old diary so that I can go back and reread and may also show others that it is easy to slip back into old habits and how our bodies don't really like that.

It is something you need to focus on even when you are 'finished' and unfortunately I left it too long between and should have kept to my original buffer that I had set.

But as you say there is no time like the present..and will definately be back in the forum to keep me accountable.

No loss today but stayed on perhaps tomorrow.

Have a great day


Weight 55kg - Previously 80kg in 2006
Corrective Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift on 29/5/2008.
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Old 03-01-2012, 17:48
Mich Female Mich is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Hey Sharon,

welcome back. I'm back too as i've not been good since I finished (july) so i'm getting on top of it before.... my surgery!!!.. we can do this together! i'm starting tomorrow (just landed back in the country today with the flu so no food in the cupboard so busy preparing!)
Back Again.. last time!
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Old 03-01-2012, 19:13
losing Female losing is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

HI mich

Thanks for your support - let's do it together...that's why I think I have turned a corner because I have got real enough to come back on here and admit to myself that I need to do this..

What sort of surgery are you looking at?


Weight 55kg - Previously 80kg in 2006
Corrective Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift on 29/5/2008.
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Old 04-01-2012, 06:30
losing Female losing is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

no movement on the scales today so am expecting a big drop soon..


Weight 55kg - Previously 80kg in 2006
Corrective Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift on 29/5/2008.
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Old 04-01-2012, 13:58
MissNat Female MissNat is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Hi Sharon

I am fairly new to the forum, did Cohen's first time around in 2006 and started my 2nd time around (properly, I had a few false starts) in October 2011. I think what you say is true:
that's why I think I have turned a corner because I have got real enough to come back on here and admit to myself that I need to do this..
In my first time, I had seen people who had completed the program and put weight back on returning for a second time and smugly thought, "I wont make that mistake". How blind I was!!! Life throws unexpected things at us and none of us are perfect.
Writing my first post, admitting my failure, was the best step I could make in getting back on track in October. You will find plenty of support here.
Finished refeed 21 December 2011 at 55.2kg

Maintenance? I call it VIGILANCE.
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Old 06-01-2012, 10:01
butterflydreamin Female butterflydreamin is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Hi Losing,

Welcome back - you can do this. You know it works and it will work again.

I enjoyed reading your diary and your honesty re the tummy tuck. It is something that I will seriously consider having done if my skin does not do any tightening.

The first week or so is the hardest and then we hit our stride, so you will be getting into that zone soon and rewarded with a nice big loss.

All the best


78 kilos lost in 12 months - thank you Dr Cohen

Spreading my wings in maintenance and hoping to add to my brood
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Old 09-01-2012, 06:48
losing Female losing is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Morning 1/2 kilo down -----nice start to a Monday...must drink lots of water today...


Weight 55kg - Previously 80kg in 2006
Corrective Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift on 29/5/2008.
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Old 16-01-2012, 23:01
butterflydreamin Female butterflydreamin is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Good work!

Maybe join the waterwise challenge for extra motivation

I hope you have a good week



78 kilos lost in 12 months - thank you Dr Cohen

Spreading my wings in maintenance and hoping to add to my brood
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Old 03-04-2012, 09:01
Collie Female Collie is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Well Hi Sharon.........we can be buddies this time now that you have your new program. I stumbled on this thread and thought, well, now at last we can do it together instead of just hearing each others stories!!!??? Good luck with day one........more to come!!
Trying a new pathway, on a new adventure in 2018
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Old 05-04-2012, 06:51
losing Female losing is offline
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Default Re: 10 days to tummy tuck - one year after refeed - losings Diary

Well Hello there Col.....yes i am on day 3 thanks to the support of my wonderful friend Collie who convinced me that my old plan just wasn't cutting the off to Cohens to get a new and different plan - i seem to have a lot more protein than last Day 3 this morning and am so happy that i started before Easter cos I won't have to lose the Easter Eggs that I would have eaten otherwise.....

Col we will look fab for our holidays in Dec.....


Weight 55kg - Previously 80kg in 2006
Corrective Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift on 29/5/2008.
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