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Old 17-03-2008, 14:58
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Default Constipation and Bowel movement questions?

I have been getting constipated a bit in the last few weeks and usually take Senna but as I am in Melb I have taken Benefibre...I am not sure it is Cohens approved The only thing it has in it is hydrolyzed guar gum...apparently 100% natural. But if anyone knows if it is approved please let me know...I have taken it for 2 days and still no BM, none for around 5 or 6 days...I feel bloated and yuck
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Old 17-03-2008, 16:42
Delta Female Delta is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Benefibre

Hi Hexi,

get thyself to the nearest pharmacy or supermarket and grab a box of sennakot - I promise that you will feel much better within the next 12 hrs or sooner. (Though if you take the max. dose of 4 that I don't recommend unless you feel like spray painting it will definitely be sooner........)

I got myself some when in NZ in Jan, ( forgot to pack them as I didn't foresee any problems in that area ), as I was concerned after a few days and much pain and let me tell you it was a real relief to know they were tried and true!

Don't know about the benefibre sorry.

Hope you're able to resolve this issue soon,



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Old 17-03-2008, 16:52
deseleigh Female deseleigh is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Benefibre

Hi Hexi I got email sent to me Benefibre is not allowed because of that reason it contains hydralized guar gum
what is allowed is Senocot,Coloxyl with senna or duralax, Fybogel/fibogel
, Normocal is allowed ,Movicol is allowed
Black walnut is not allowed i can foward this email on to you if u want to have a read of it .
Hope u get some releif
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Old 17-03-2008, 16:58
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Benefibre

Oh buggar
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Old 17-03-2008, 20:42
pandora Female pandora is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Benefibre

I can definately recommend Coloxyl with Senna. When on weight loss program so lower on fibre etc, i had 2 every morning and found this product to be very efficient but at the same time, nothing too dramatic. I took them in the morning cos if i took them later in the day, it tended to upset my bedtime OR get me up in the night! I also think Asy recommended them as her "lax" of choice! Get onto something else tomorrow Hexi babes - toxins in your system (i.e. if no BM for 5 or 6 days) is NOT good for you! Get it moving girl!

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Old 17-03-2008, 21:41
ConnieK.. Female ConnieK.. is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Benefibre

Just as a point of interest on this one,

My sister works for a gastroenterologist in Adelaide, she told me he has told them to not use anything other than metamucil or others using psyllium husks as the others can cause 'colonic redundancy' which is where the colon becomes reliant on stimulation and does not work when you stop taking the laxatives. I am not sure about the senna ones etc, but it may be worth a question to a doctor or someone in the know.

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Old 17-03-2008, 21:55
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Benefibre

Well I managed to get some Durolax from my cousin so I have now popped a couple of those - see what tomorrow brings
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2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
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Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 18-03-2008, 04:27
Almost Eden Male Almost Eden is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Benefibre

I will bring some other bowel goodies home for you this morning my dear. We will have you moving in no time. Hheheheheehhe...bye bye now

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Old 18-03-2008, 18:18
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Default Constipation and Bowel Movements

Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation stools are usually hard, dry, small in size, and difficult to eliminate. Some people who are constipated find it painful to have a bowel movement and often experience straining, bloating, and the sensation of a full bowel.

Some people think they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day. However, normal stool elimination may be three times a day or three times a week, depending on the person.

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Almost everyone experiences constipation at some point in their life, and a poor diet typically is the cause. Most constipation is temporary and not serious. Understanding its causes, prevention, and treatment will help most people find relief.

I have cut and pasted this across from a Goggle search and thought I would start this thread as there has been some talk at various points about this on this forum in different posts.

I personally had no problem until recently but it seems to have improved to some extend. I found that in the early weeks I.E first 14 weeks - no problems but it changed to less B/M- from one a day to three a week then - wham o - it seemed to change as the weeks went on and when I travelled it really got worse - maybe the change of routines or less water - but it was up to 14 days was the best and after much consultation with chemists and doctors - I took for the first time in my life laxatives.

I have spoken to my consultant at my clinic who gave me some tips and a sheet with different methods of treatment. I then have been constantly trying different ways to get B/M happening.

I will list the things I have tried - I still do not have an answer - but an appreciation of the subject that I have never faced before.

I have tried using a small step ladder in the toilet to raise my knees above the waist and I found it made little difference.

I have used phylum husk - and personally think it made things worse. It was not tasty and was gluey to drink - i would not recommend it at this stage or until I had more food to mix it with maybe. I think it added more than it fixed.

I tried Epsom salts but found them to work but very hard to take or drink and they made me feel ill in the stomach - but seemed to work.

Exercises seemed to work but then it also tired me quickly and I tended to over do it - so yes - but with caution.

I increased my water intake but very hard to say if it made any difference as I am drinking 2 to 5 litres a Day - depending on climate.

I took Castor oil - but still don't think it worked.

The Doctor gave me a big box of "Movicol" and suggested that I take one to start with then increase up to 8 sachets a day if need be. They had some effect and were a lot better to drink than anything else.

I then tried the Coloxyl with senna - and they seem to work very well. I have taken Pandora's advice and take them just after breakfast so its a day time thing and its seems to be the case by about 6 pm to 8 pm there is a movement.

I have found that they all considerably increase the wind !!!!!!!! .......... so be prepared.

I do not take them every time though either or every day - and some times I have no more than swollowed and sure enough its a goer - so maybe not the Coloxyl at all but just nature at work.

My doctor also told me that because of the small amounts of food the body does slow and to never put off going or a B/M if you think you need one - as it will see this as a sign to hold on and wait - and may not start again - so have also found that helps - when you gotta go - go !!

I do think some foods may be more to move and part of the process than others as well - but will be interested to hear what others have found or experienced.


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Old 18-03-2008, 20:13
ConnieK.. Female ConnieK.. is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

hey Andy ... what a sh*tty subject

I have found since starting on cohens my once a day BM has disappeared and I only go every 3-5 days, and it exhibits the symptoms of constipation. Its not good.

I have found metamucil sometimes helps, but only if I take it every day. Nothing else I have tried has made a definite difference so far.

I look forward to hearing what others say on this one.

And may I say teh mental picture I got from the step ladder comment was a little bizarre

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Old 18-03-2008, 20:28
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

Hi Andy ..

Like you I haven't had an issue with this till recently .. usually if things seem a bit slow I would add kiwi fruit & eat the skin too & that seemed to help move things a lot quicker.. but about 2 or 3 weeks ago I found nothing seemed to work, I just wasn't going.

I now eat 2 apples a day & I also include the apple core as well.. now I don't know if this will work for everyone, but it's moved thing along quite nicely for me at this stage. I really do notice the difference if I change either the fruit or omit the core.. so for now I'll keep it up as long as it works for me.
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Old 18-03-2008, 20:44
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

Well constipation and B/M is something that sounds to be a part of the lifestyle change whilst on the downhill run of this program any comments are worth sharing if it helps or adds information - and we all do it !!!!!!!

The theory with the ladder is that Asians and lots of cultures squat over a hole as it naturally places your body in the position that it was meant to be and signals the message to your brain that something need s to happen and relaxes muscles accordingly - The positions and modalities of defecation are culture-dependent. In some regions of the world, such as South Asia, East Asia and rural parts of the Middle East, it is customary to squat (typically using squat toilets), while in most of the Western World sit-down toilets are used.

Thats the theory of using the step to raise your knees.
All information - funny as it sounds might help ........... you don't need a ladder just a step to raise your knees higher than your waist !!!!!

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Old 22-03-2008, 16:56
Entourage Female Entourage is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

I've also found that my sure fire 'helper' meal is to use the entire vege allowance as spinach (raw is better, but steamed works for me too). Eat an apple before the meal, and drink at least a litre of water after the meal. This helps me.
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Old 27-03-2008, 00:59
Pudge Female Pudge is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

Not eating cheese helps me. So if I find I have trouble then I cut out the cheese and eat lettace as my vegi for most of my meals.I will generlly go everyday doing this.
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Old 27-03-2008, 01:17
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

I have found now that whilst I was having most trouble was when I was over eating on mango of all things - maybe it was just that I had upset the "plan" and the rest was out of kilter - so as to speak - I have again been 100 % and no problems so as to speak for some days now !!!!! I have been sticking to lots of cabbage as well - no cheese - and some yogurt for a change of a morning.

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Old 27-03-2008, 10:24
Delta Female Delta is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

Hey folks,

there's a reason my F-I-L, ( a dairy farmer), used to call cheese bung-hole............. if you have too much of the other end of the spectrum and need to settle it down you eat a chunk or two of cheese and problem solved.

I tend to only eat it once a wk for that reason I have no need to go back on the IBS merrygoround.


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Old 27-03-2008, 13:30
caralyn Female caralyn is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

Like to add my little 2 cents if thats ok...

In response to the little ladder in the loo - I was told by a physiotherapist after I had my bubs, that the correct way to go to the loo is to lean forward with your elbows on your knees and either put your feet up on a little step or raise your heels in the air. This straightens your 'poo tube' ( sorry couldn't resist saying that!) as it is naturally curvy like an 'S' and allows 'stuff' to come out easier. Also, lots of water helps. And to avoid piles, no more than 3 minutes on the loo at a time. If you stress and strain for longer than 3 minutes you'll pop out a haemorroid rather than what you want.

Sorry to be graphic - just trying to be helpful!

x Caralyn
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Old 27-03-2008, 23:19
Annabelle Joy Female Annabelle Joy is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

Even better than Caralyn's posture (which is trying to simulate them) are the squat toilets that are so common in many countries. Of course, many of us would never have got up again if we'd had to use those

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Old 28-03-2008, 09:04
Tuti Female Tuti is offline
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Default Re: Constipation and Bowel Movements

I was touring China over 20 years ago and prefered to use the squat toilets than their western toilets.The plumbing left a bit to be desired.

Once I went to a public squat toilet and they had no doors just open. So I squatted down and when I looked up there was a group of little old Chinese ladies watching me. I suppose they were curious to now how us westerners did it

I have read that it is definately more healthier to squat than our way of sitting.


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Old 28-03-2008, 09:58
Annabelle Joy Female Annabelle Joy is offline
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We were told that they were interested in our underwear (they didn't wear any). Don't know it that's really the reason. I never had to use one of the public ones, but we were warned that would happen if we did.

Started 11/1/08. Lowest weight reached 63.8 kgs on 10/11/08 and 40 kgs down. Thank you Dr Cohen.
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