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Old 11-06-2008, 23:30
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sundaymorningstaple Male sundaymorningstaple is offline
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You all know what they always say.

"Bad habits are the hardest to change."

It takes hard work and eventually, one day, you realize that you no longer are consciously thinking about it. It finally starts to become the "new normal". If one needs to get external help in order to help understand why you cannot quite change the habit then by all means, get the help needed. Sometimes it can happen in a little as one or two sessions while other may take a wee bit longer. But when the demon has been exorcised then it will be like a light has been turned on or there was a parting of the clouds and a ray of sunshine bursts through.

I also think that today, because of all the stress in the world, there is no longer any stigma about getting help.
My Original Weight-Loss Chart. . . . Personal Target: 69kg; End of refeed: 68.2kg; 1 year later: 69.5kg; 2 years later: 71.5kg; 3 years later: 65.5kg; 6 years later: 68.5kg
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Old 12-06-2008, 14:17
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Ok started a new thread for all our 'goodbye letters!'
Heaviest to lightest - 117kg - 57.5kg (59.5kg)
2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
Mind~body~spirit approach is my winning formula

Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 12-06-2008, 15:50
ropemaha Female ropemaha is offline
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yep....just look at me...i've had 11 million counselling sessions over the years...i am one of those people counsellors dread...believe me i know...but guess works, and thats what matters....

yep i can hear it from here....'theres no way your normal penny"
never wanted to be normal though...just want to get through the day without driving myself nuts with my thoughts....and now, most of the time, i manage that....

i think this is great that you are being so open and transparent hex, i really know how hard that is ... you are so altruistic mate...very proud to be your friend...


Goal 1 = 6kgs DONE; goal 2 = 12kgs; goal 3 = 18kgs; goal 4 = 24kg; goal 5 = 30kgs; goal 6 = 36kgs; goal 7 = refeed
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Old 12-06-2008, 17:25
pandora Female pandora is offline
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Wow, this thread is one of the most valuable i have read on here! I do believe i have an "eating disorder" as i am obsessed more with diets and health magazines than ACTUAL food - like looking to see if there is a new wonder diet, better than cohens (i know that is blasphemy on here!!) and i still weigh myself daily but at the same time i have managed to gain up to 5kg above my low end goal of 52kg - i never crave chocs but if my day doesnt "measure up" then a wine or 2 will do! Yet, i didnt do that on my weight loss phase of diet but i still struggle now at getting back to the HGH and seratonin high and insulin low. Maybe this is the week a make my major breakthru and get back to my loved 52kg.

Anyway, bit of a rave but, at the risk of sounding a tad stupid, how do i go about seeing a psychologist about my "eating disorder" as i have been on and off diets now for 36 yrs !!!! I have never been heavier than 71kg (except when pregnant but my lows of 50 - 58kg have been rare and i do not want to go back UP! Pandora

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Old 12-06-2008, 18:05
bibabs Female bibabs is offline
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Pandora, I am not sure how the medical system works in Oz, but here you would go to your General Practitioner, and tll them that you believe you need councilling. Then ask for someone that specialises in eating disorders..they should know. That's my bit, maybe Hexi can give youa better indication?

Start at 96,5kg Nov 2007 goal 69kg end March Finished refeed by end April 2008 Restarted April 2012 @ 91.4 goal 69
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Old 12-06-2008, 18:29
Annabelle Joy Female Annabelle Joy is offline
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If you look up Psychologists in the yellow pages, Pandora, you'll probably find that some advertise weight loss or eating disorders as specialties. You don't need a GP to do this. You may be able to get a Medicare refund if you go via a GP.

Started 11/1/08. Lowest weight reached 63.8 kgs on 10/11/08 and 40 kgs down. Thank you Dr Cohen.
Back again to do it all over again, starting from exactly the same weight as last time.
My health is not good and my doctor is predicting all sorts of nasty things if I don't lose weight.
What else do I do? I help people make money and I help people save money. Please take a look at
Back again for the support. Still think the diet and the forum are the best ever, but too old to do it again. Now losing again slowly on maintenance diet. Ticker shows next intermediate goal only (5 kilos).

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Old 12-06-2008, 19:40
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Pandora I was lucky enough that my work cover 5 free sessions so I went to the one they recommended - she I guess does general cognitive behavioural therapy (challenging our thoughts and changing our 'unreal' belief systems). I would think that what I am experiencing (obsession/binging) would pretty much stem from a similar place as your obsession with dieting...good on you Pandora I think seeking a psychologist to help you move past that is a great idea - you will also find you won't keep sabotaging yourself so that you continually remain on a diet - your mind will become at ease with itself and the rest (maintaining weight) will follow
Heaviest to lightest - 117kg - 57.5kg (59.5kg)
2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
Mind~body~spirit approach is my winning formula

Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 12-06-2008, 22:30
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Hey is there anyway we can change the name of this thread? I can't seem to figure it out but I think the title of

Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

suits this thread better as it seems like a common theme amoungst many of us in maintenance...

Heaviest to lightest - 117kg - 57.5kg (59.5kg)
2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
Mind~body~spirit approach is my winning formula

Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 12-06-2008, 23:32
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Kohinoor Male Kohinoor is offline
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Hey is there anyway we can change the name of this thread?
Yep !! Done. And a very worthwhile thread it is too

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 12-06-2008, 23:54
bibabs Female bibabs is offline
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Isn't it amazing Hexi, that since you've started this thread, how many of us have come to realise that we have a lot more to deal with than excess weight. I believe the quicker one realises that and come to terms with it, the better it is going to be. Let's face it COHEN has given us the start to solving the is easier to control your weight when at target or below, but we still have to get to the root of our problem, and that is probably another life-time's work.
I am just so pleased that we have this forum, so that when you have these "attacks" and you realise you are not alone out there, it makes one feel less of a nutcase...not so? So much support from so many people, we can only succeed.

Ok that is my novel for the day done!!! Lovies to you all and keep strong.

Start at 96,5kg Nov 2007 goal 69kg end March Finished refeed by end April 2008 Restarted April 2012 @ 91.4 goal 69
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Old 13-06-2008, 15:36
pandora Female pandora is offline
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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Hexi, AJ, Bibabs and Penny for letting me know where to start re my getting counselling! I do believe it is LONG overdue as - and as is the case for so many of us - we can lose the weight but keeping it off OR getting back on the program can be an issue if, as in my case, there is some kinda self sabotage going on!

It honestly never occurred to me to seek help! Duh@! Maybe since i know a lot of "theory" but as any counsellor, life coach etc knows, we all need someone else to help with our own stuff! Oh well, next week i will start my journey in that direction but for now, i feel already more balanced having recognised a lot of my behaviour is not "normal" as in, i NEVER eat cake, NEVER eat chocolate, NEVER have hot chips when eating out and yet i still managed to gain weight!

My family think i am some kind of weirdo around food and they are right! In comes the glass of wine - just another way to package the villain = sugar@! Lots of food for thought (do pardon the pun!). Now i am off to a fully catered weekend, feels like moving into a minefield of shifting sand! Fear comes up! Have a great weekend and thank you so much for whoever else contributes on this thread, this is pure gold for lifetime successful weight loss! Pandora

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Old 13-06-2008, 16:46
Annabelle Joy Female Annabelle Joy is offline
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No sugar (or carbs, same thing) in dry wine, Pandora, it's all converted to alcohol. However, it does cause your insulin levels to drop, and therefore makes you want to eat.

Started 11/1/08. Lowest weight reached 63.8 kgs on 10/11/08 and 40 kgs down. Thank you Dr Cohen.
Back again to do it all over again, starting from exactly the same weight as last time.
My health is not good and my doctor is predicting all sorts of nasty things if I don't lose weight.
What else do I do? I help people make money and I help people save money. Please take a look at
Back again for the support. Still think the diet and the forum are the best ever, but too old to do it again. Now losing again slowly on maintenance diet. Ticker shows next intermediate goal only (5 kilos).

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Old 09-07-2008, 13:05
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Ok my GP put me onto this book which she rekons is as good as seeing a psych and will also help overcome anxiety...

"Change your thinking" Sarah Edelman...just got a copy and planning on reading that.

Also undertook a self assessment exercise to see whether my life is balanced (also in the book) looks like I am right in regards to

2. Work Activities

But need some major work on
2. Leisure
3. Social Support
Heaviest to lightest - 117kg - 57.5kg (59.5kg)
2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
Mind~body~spirit approach is my winning formula

Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 10-07-2008, 12:05
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Ok here is a link to a website to help us understand beliefs, thoughts and feelings. It is aimed at teenagers but very useful especially if you have depression or anxiety..
Heaviest to lightest - 117kg - 57.5kg (59.5kg)
2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
Mind~body~spirit approach is my winning formula

Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 10-07-2008, 14:01
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Faithy Female Faithy is offline
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I hope you dont mind me putting this here.. but I read it today & it just really hit home with me..

We need not be ashamed that our hearts ache; that we need & thirst & hunger for much more. All of our hearts ache. All of our hearts are at some level unsatisfied & longing. What we need to see is that all our controlling & all our hiding, all our indulging, actually serves to seperate us from our hearts. We lose touch with those longings that make us who we are. (women) & the substitues never, ever resolve the deeper issue of our souls.
We need to not be so afraid to stop & look at what our hearts are telling us.

I was reading this book today & it got me to thinking, whenever I feel anxiety or panic I automatically look for food & want to eat.. or binge.. it got me to thinking about others of us who when we went up a kilo or 2 after refeed, we panicked.. so then a lot of us feed that panic with food.. for me personally that going up 2 kilos actually got me back to my pre refeed weight, that was the weight by body was telling me it was ready for refeed.. in theory I shouldn't have panicked because that's where my body wanted to be.. it told me that before refeed.. in hindsight I feel foolish now that I've realised this.. & I'm guessing the real reason for the panic was because I've always had it in the back of my head that I can't gain more than 4 kilos because my plan may no longer work for me.. so now I've realised this I feel like I'm in a much better place & dont feel so out of control..

I dont know if that makes any sense to anyone, but it does to me
158 kilos 24th April 2007 ~ 68 kilos 24th April 2008 ~ 90 kilos lost in 12 months

Last edited by Faithy; 10-07-2008 at 14:03.
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Old 10-07-2008, 14:35
shell Female shell is offline
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Hi Faithy,

That makes total sense!

That is why I was so panicky after I finished re feed, scared of putting on any weight at all - which is what the body does (fluctuates) every day/ every week.

Once I got that worked out- that a 1kg either side (usually up! ) of my goal weight was totally fine and normal- I relaxed about it totally!

It made it so much easier and more enjoyable-not worrying about everything I put in my mouth!

Which I think not stressing about it really helps as stress is not good for weight loss or weight maintaining!

Another great point from the wonderful Faithy!
Started 20/8/07 111kg
Reached Goal 21/4/08 61kg (35 weeks)

Total lost 50kg!!
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Old 10-07-2008, 18:07
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Kohinoor Male Kohinoor is offline
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Hi Faithy,

That's one helluva quote !!!! Wanna share the source? Makes a LOT of sense to me.....

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 11-07-2008, 08:11
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Faithy Female Faithy is offline
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The quote is from the book called 'Captivating' Unveiling The Mystery of a Woman's Soul... by Joh & Stasi Eldredge.
Awesome book & it's packed full of 'OH' moments.
158 kilos 24th April 2007 ~ 68 kilos 24th April 2008 ~ 90 kilos lost in 12 months
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Old 11-07-2008, 09:29
SOON TO BE Female SOON TO BE is offline
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You are very inspiration, still trying to get throught your diary.Loved your quate you found. How true, sometimes the answers we need are right in front of us, we just dont look out for it or listen to what our hearts really telling us.I think we are all guilty of at one time or another trying to conform to what the world and society think we should be and not being the person we want and the person hiding deep inside us. Start listening to her and let her out!!! I think we will all be amazed about who we can become, when we listen to our heart, body and mind.
Great going Faithy, keep on listning !!
You have done a AMAZING job, so proud of you.
Tara x
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Old 11-07-2008, 11:52
Prancy Female Prancy is offline
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I have been reading this thread and I am feeling quite relieved that I am not the only person going through the obsession, anxiety, panic, etc, etc. I did manage to stray after cohen's and put on 30kgs after losing 55kgs. Even though I know alot about negative thinking, eating out of habit, emotions, etc, I could not understand why my binging on sugar was out of control. Well I did some research and found that when you eat sugar you get a high, you feel good. Then your sugar levels actually drop below the level you intially started at, and don't feel so great. So then your body craves for more. So you have more to settle the craving. Put this together with negative thinking & emotions (i.e., guilt, angry with self for binging & not living up to self-expectations, etc, etc) I can now understand the viscious cylce of binging. Having this understanding has helped me to get back onto cohen's (because I know it works) and hopefully into a more healthier mindset when I make refeed and maintenance.

Faithy & Hexi your both an inspiration, keep on going with the healthy mindset, because your also helping others to get there too.


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anxiety , binge , eating , obsession , panic

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